
Case Compatible Car Mount Holder for Samsung Galaxy S3/S4

Want buy a cool  Car Mount Holder for Samsung Galaxy S3/S4 ? today nextbuying.com new in stock a case compatible holder for GS3 and GS4 ..

New cool car holder for Samsung galaxy S3/S4 and other cell phones designed to allow you to position your mobile phone or mp3 player in either landscape or portrait modes, either on your car's windscreen or the dashboard.

- Use it on your dashboard or windscreen
- Position your phone at any angle
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New Desk Stand for Nexus 7 2012 and all 7 Inch Tablets

This is a simple adjustable stand cheap and adjustable stand for my android tablet. You can wall mount it - or put it on the table. It's already working good, but it needs some like beveled corners and engravings

A desk in my office is actually a hydraulic desk that I can stand at to read, etc. So, thanks, for describing a bit how this works for you put the computer on a bar-height table. Put a bar stool in front of the tablet. stand is to avoid strain on my back, and sitting without back support would negate that.
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Desk Stand for Nexus 7


New Case with Stand for Samsung Galaxy Tab2 10.1 P5100

Liked another one which lets me swing around the tablet so that I can view the tablet both standing or lying flat. Posted about it in another post.the one I'm looking at is about $38.98 USD and let me look some more if I can get something at a better cost.

Samsung Galaxy Tab2 10.1 P5100 Case with Stands

More  Color Red, Orange, Gray, Green, White, Blue, Pink, Purple, Black .

Support Samsung Model

Note 10.1 (N8000/N8010), Tab 2 10.1 (P5100/P5110)
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Keyboard Bluetooth for iPad

I have a cover with a Bluetooth keyboard that does the same thing. it may be heavier but at least its compact to carry, serves as a ton of extra protection so I don't break my iPad, and serves as a handy frame structure to prop up the screen so I can see is landscape or portrait.

Probably a good thing but from a philosophy view it seems a bit strange -- like fitting a rotary dial to a touch tone phone feel bad for such innovators. How long before you start seeing this products on Nextbuying > http://www.nextbuying.com/qwerty-bluetooth-3-0-keyboard-for-ipad-2-and-the-new-ipad-p000085.html

The $45 but you'll get in the second batch. Should show up in March or so.  think your missing the point. 
If you take notes in class, or are a writer, this can make it where you don't need a bulky case with an external Bluetooth keyboard on the iPad (making it essentially a laptop). With this, you throw it on there, and go from 1 finger pecking to full typing with two hands, just like the usual. I've seen something like this before (I don't know it if was just a trial thing or what for an iPad ) but it worked brilliantly.

Really cool now if only I had learned to type! I go pretty fast on the glass screen cause I never learned to touch type.. Being a gadget will no doubt buy one! thanks for the heads UP
Bluetooth aluminum keyboard is for. Works great and when I'm not using it, I don't pull it out of the bag. When I do though, I only have to hold the keyboard and still have the full screen of the iPad if I want to watch what I'm typing usually don't prefer to just have the keyboard and fix any typos later.

 I can see the appeal, but I really like how the wireless keyboard works. Good response, nice tactile feel and I do get the full screen if I'm doing input and editing at the same time.
I thought, why not just use a Bluetooth keyboard which is lightweight, the same price or cheaper, can use with any mobile device, and is an actual tactile keyboard  think when people carry this around they could also carry a fold- or Bluetooth keyboard with them. Big advantage would be that it doesn't cover half of the screen and also works in portrait mode.
That's pretty cool. I certainly think that one of the downsides of the touch era is that those of us who can touch type are at a huge disadvantage: if you can't touch type, switching down to a smartphone or even iPad type keyboard isn't that big of a deal, but if you are used to churning out 90+ WPM, touchscreen is a huge downgrade.

Reminds me of the Apple came out with the click wheel and then they made it so that you didn't have to click, but run your finger across it. That is the same technology that was used in the first televisions, where you had to simply make electrical contact touching with a finger completed the intended circuit) with a dedicated button each channel had.  What's even more interesting is that, it only way to change a channel at first. A turn knob was considered a technical break through at nextbuying

If you want to type really fast use a keyboard or a laptop or something. I can see the appeal, but it seems like tech that makes something more complex, not necessarily more elegant. I'd be willing to try it out but it would be better if it were more like the smart cover or something
Need one of these for typing lots of longer pieces- this will make seamless, typo-less typing a lot more productive!


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